Oldskooler Ramblings

the unlikely child born of the home computer wars

Archive for June, 2015

Aftershocks and future plans

Posted by Trixter on June 23, 2015

After dropping the mic in April, I’ve been suspiciously quiet, haven’t I?  Truth be told, I got a little burnt out.  Winning Revision was a dream come true, but afterwards my free time and I really needed a break.  I ended up playing a LOT of games on the bucket list (Skyrim, Broken Age, replayed Fallout a 7th time) and generally caught up on movies.  So, sorry I’ve been quiet.

Some random interesting things that happened between then and now:

Since 8088 MPH, the crew has been working slowly but steadily on a final version that improves the sound and video quality a little, but more importantly, works on a wider range of hardware (ie. you should be able to use any CGA card instead of the first IBM revision).  Clone 6845 chips might also be compatible with the final version; we’re working on it.

As for me specifically: Before the end of the summer, you will see at least one of the following three things from me:

  1. An article series exploring the PC speaker and how to thoroughly abuse it (has information relevant for other platforms too, most notably lightweight compression/decompression schemes)
  2. A method to much more easily enjoy vintage games on vintage systems
  3. A vintage PC podcast (I’m still flabbergasted there aren’t any!)

Suggestions welcome if you’d like to nudge me in a particular direction.

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